


Vertical remapping using gh2hl ...

Added by Niklas Roeber 7 months ago

Hi, I have another gh2hl question. I would like to use it on WRF data, where I correctly assigned the grid and set the vertical axis to the height level in m. Now I would like to use a mask, similar as zg in ICON, to correctly displace the values to accommodate the land surface. I calculated this field out of geopotential height and it all looks good. Yet when I apply gl2hl, ... with the levels that I would like to have, all but the very top level are NaNs. Looking at the z-axis and the 3D field I am using to displace the values, that is very similar to ICON, except that WRF is a regular grid. Am I missing anything?
Thanks and Cheers, Niklas

Replies (2)

RE: Vertical remapping using gh2hl ... - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 7 months ago

Hi Niklas,

gh2hl is a specific operator for ICON data. The level of your data must have exactly the same orientation. Try it with the inverted order of the levels:

cdo  gh2hl,...  -invertlev  infile outfile
A more general vertical interpolation is the operator intlevel.
cdo  intlevel,zvarname=zg,level=... outfile
If the required target levels are in the file, you can use them as follows:
cdo  zaxisdes > myzaxis
cdo  intlevel,zvarname=zg,zdescription=myzaxis outfile
The parameter zvarname and zdescription of the operator intlevel are available since CDO 2.3.0.


RE: Vertical remapping using gh2hl ... - Added by Niklas Roeber 7 months ago

Awesome, Uwe. Thanks as always!

Cheers, Niklas
