remapdis failing with missing values in dimensions
Added by Paolo Giani 10 months ago
Hi all,
I'm trying to interpolate sea ice CMIP6 data from the original grid (ocean, curvilinear) to r360x180. It looks like some models have missing values in the dimensions (lat/lon) and remapbil throws this warning:
cdo remapdis,r360x180
Source grid cell center longitudes out of range (min=0.0147/max=9.97e+36)
This seems to create some weird effects in the output file (e.g. sea ice in the middle of land, weird looking patterns close to Antarctica):
Original was this one:
Any advice on how to overcome this issue? I thought about trying to set the right values for lat/lon everywhere but haven't had much luck with it yet. Thank you so much in advance!
Replies (2)
RE: remapdis failing with missing values in dimensions - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 10 months ago
Hi Paolo,
You can try to reduce the search radius to e.g. 1deg (default 180deg):
cdo --gridsearchradius 1 remapdis,r360x180 infile outfileCheers,
RE: remapdis failing with missing values in dimensions - Added by Paolo Giani 10 months ago
Such a good suggestion. Thank you very much! The new output looks much better.