


cdo remap from ERA5 grid (lonlat) to gx1 grid (generic)

Added by Wilma Wang 11 months ago

I'm trying to make model forcing data using CDO and need to regrid ERA5 data (lonlat) into a gx1 grid(generic).
First, I ran

cdo griddes  > mygrid
cdo remapbil,mygrid

But when I checked the generated data using panoply, I realized that there are missing values on Greenland which should not be existed.

And the CDO version is 1.8.2
I have attached the relevant files.
How can I fix it?I have spent quite a bit of time on this and would be most grateful for any help.

Replies (3)

RE: cdo remap from ERA5 grid (lonlat) to gx1 grid (generic) - Added by Wilma Wang 11 months ago

I rechecked the distribution of variables on the target grid, and it seems that there are missing values in Greenland using panoply, but they don't show up using ncview.So I don't think these missing values are caused by CDO.

RE: cdo remap from ERA5 grid (lonlat) to gx1 grid (generic) - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 11 months ago

Hi Wilma,

your target grid is a curvilinear grid where a pole is defined over greenland. So the remapped data is correct.

Plot with Python shows the same as panoply:

RE: cdo remap from ERA5 grid (lonlat) to gx1 grid (generic) - Added by Wilma Wang 11 months ago


Thanks for your check with python!

Best regards,
