


"cdo Fourier (Abort): This Operator needs Fields with Complex Numbers!"

Added by Michael de Paula 11 months ago

Dear friends,

First I would like to express my gratitude to all those who worked on this wonderful project (CDO). It was very useful because I was able to process oceanographic data files of extension . nc in a practical way.

That said, I would like to ask a question (if this is not the right place please forgive me).

when using the command: 'cdo Fourier' in my. nc file I get the following answer:

"cdo Fourier (Abort): This Operator needs Fields with Complex Numbers!"

I tried to use the two signs of available exponents: -1 (normal) and 1 (reverse), however the error persists.

I searched for an answer and couldn’t find it. Could someone help me, please?

Thank you.

Replies (2)

RE: "cdo Fourier (Abort): This Operator needs Fields with Complex Numbers!" - Added by Estanislao Gavilan 11 months ago

Hi Michael,

I found that there is a function retocomplex for real input files ( see 2.13.5 documentation). There is not information about retocomplex though..

Best regards,


RE: "cdo Fourier (Abort): This Operator needs Fields with Complex Numbers!" - Added by Michael de Paula 11 months ago

Hello Estanislao,

Thanks for answering me. I will take a look and as soon as I make some progress I will share it with the community.

Sincerely yours,

