


cdo cmor failing to recognize Z-axis

Added by Declan O'Donnell about 1 year ago

I am using cdo cmor to cmorize EC-Earth3 output for the RAMIP project (described in [[]]). EC-Earth is used in its AerChemMIP configuration, with IFS as the atmosphere component, nemo 3.6 as the ocean and TM5 providing the aerosol-chemistry side. I can cmorize all output except 3-D data from nemo and TM5.

The error from nemo data is:
In registration of a vertical axis:
Z-axis type 1 with name 'olevel' not yet enabled.

and a similar one for tm5:
In registration of a vertical axis:
Z-axis type 1 with name 'lev' not yet enabled.

Verbose output from the relevant commands is in the attached xxx_error.txt file.
The attached and are the first timesteps of nemo and TM5 output files: of course it does not make sense to cmorize one timestep, but the error is reproducible on these files (the full output files are too large to upload here).

My setup:
cdo with cmor support is implemented as an apptainer (formerly called singularity) container based on the package available on conda-forge (last June). Version information attached. The project MIP tables are at [[]], however I have had to make a couple of modifications to get EC-Earth to work, so please see the versions in the attached tar.gz.(I found it necessary to make symbolic lińks named CMIP6_CV.json, CMIP6_coordinate.json, CMIP6_grids.json and CMIP6_formula_terms.json pointing to the corresponding RAMIP file, but that's another issue).

The cdo command then looks like
cdo cmor,${mip_tables_dir}/RAMIP_Omon.json,info=${info_tables_dir}/cmorinfo_RSP7_nemo.txt,cn=uo,n=uo <nemo-file>
cdo cmor,${mip_tables_dir}/RAMIP_AERmon.json,info=${info_tables_dir}/cmorinfo_RSP7_tm5.txt,cn=o3,n=o3 <tm5-file>
(in my containerized case cdo is replaced by apptainer run ....)

Any help appreciated.

With best regards,
Declan O'Donnell (declan.odonnell 'at'