Averaging along a longitude/latitude
Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera about 1 year ago
Dear CDO experts,
I am getting the following error:
cdo(1) sellonlatbox (Abort): Longitudinal dimension is too small!
terminate called recursively
terminate called without an active exception
ndjf.sh: line 10: 714240 Aborted (core dumped) cdo fldmean -sellonlatbox,128,128,5,20 -sellevel,92500 uwnd_ndjfm_1979-2020.nc cold_surge_ndjfm_1979-2020.nc
I just want to get the average between 5-20 degrees North along 128E. How can I do this in CDO?
Replies (2)
RE: Averaging along a longitude/latitude - Added by Estanislao Gavilan about 1 year ago
Hi Lyndon,
take a look to this post. It is very a similar problem.
Kind regards,
RE: Averaging along a longitude/latitude - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 1 year ago
The value lon max must be greater than lon min. So try to find a minimal value range that includes the 128°.
Try something like
cdo -sellonlatbox,127.5,128.5,5.,20. infile outfile