


target grid for regridding curvilinear netcdf

Added by Najeen Rula over 1 year ago

I have a curvilinear grid file. I am still learning how to do regridding to a rectilinear grid.
Can someone please help? I don't quite know yet how to specify parameters in the grid description file.
I don't need to change the resolution. I don't have another file that can serve as a template.

Thank you very much. (1.52 MB)

Replies (3)

RE: target grid for regridding curvilinear netcdf - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 1 year ago

You can use the output of 'cdo griddes' as base to generate the grid description file like the following one.

gridtype  = lonlat
gridsize  = 79695
xsize     = 315
ysize     = 253
xname     = longitude
xlongname = "Longitude" 
xunits    = "degrees_east" 
yname     = latitude
ylongname = "Latitude" 
yunits    = "degrees_north" 
xfirst    = 150.2223
xinc      = 0.0112343
yfirst    = -25.1688
yinc      = 0.011875

It has the same number of grid cells in total and spans the given region:

geospatial_lat_min = -25.168796
geospatial_lat_max = -22.15316 
geospatial_lon_min = 150.22234 
geospatial_lon_max = 153.761098

The grid description file can be used to remap to regular lonlat:

cdo -remapbil,gridfile.txt

RE: target grid for regridding curvilinear netcdf - Added by Najeen Rula over 1 year ago

Thank you Karin. Although I have one more question, which is likely basic but I can't get a grasp on.
How do you define xinc or yinc? These parameters seem to be related to resolution. How do I obtain or define this?
I simply want to retain the original resolution.

RE: target grid for regridding curvilinear netcdf - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 1 year ago

The resolution of a curvilinear grid is not the same as a regular grid with same number of grid cells. In the example above the number of grid cells are the same but for the regular grid the lat/lon increments xinc/yinc were calculated with

xinc = (geospatial_lon_max - geospatial_lon_min)/xsize
yinc = (geospatial_lat_max - geospatial_lat_min)/ysize