ERA5-Land: calculating relative humidity
Added by Diego Araujo about 1 year ago
Dear all,
I'm trying to calculate the RH according to this paper:
In CDO, I am applying the equation as follows (t2m and d2m are already merged into the same file):
cdo expr,'rh=100*(exp((17.67d2m)/(243.5+d2m))/exp((17.67t2m)/(243.5+t2m)))'
The issue is that the RH values are very high throughout the day, consistently above 70%. I'm certain that this does not occur in the area. Perhaps I'm applying the equation incorrectly?
Thank you in advance for your help
Replies (1)
RE: ERA5-Land: calculating relative humidity - Added by Diego Araujo about 1 year ago
The data was in Kelvin, but was supposed to be in Celsius for this equation.
Thank you.