merge two different grids to a new one
Added by e ddc over 12 years ago
Dear CDO support group
I would like to merge two time series from two different lat.lon locations into one netcdf file.
Two years ago the thread "Merge datasets sorted by spatial coordinates?" in this mailing-list addressed the same problem.
I would like to know if the undocumented function mergegrid has evolved to a form allowing the merge with no need to know beforehand the form of the final grid.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Replies (1)
RE: merge two different grids to a new one - Added by e ddc over 12 years ago
Hello again
I now know how to concatenate two different grids (but same variable and time sampling); the main issue being to move from a structured grid to an unstructured grid (I used ncdump and ncgen) then a straight use of ncrcat and ncpdq produce the desired result.
All these are non-CDO commands, hence this forum is not the right place to discuss this matter.
Best regards,