cdo doesn't support the process for GFDL_CM3 data.
Added by Quan Liu almost 2 years ago
Dear all,
I was using large ensemble data. But the GFDL_CM3 seems doesn't support the cdo. I got the warming message "Warning (cdfScanVarAttr): NetCDF: Variable not found - time_bounds" all the time.
Can anyone help me to see if there is a way to do that?
I attach one of the file below. seems it combines the sea level pressure data with the geopotential height data.
Thanks a lot
Replies (5)
RE: cdo doesn't support the process for GFDL_CM3 data. - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 2 years ago
Hi Quan,
there is something wrong with your file because ncdump returns also an error.
ncdump -h ncdump: NetCDF: HDF error
RE: cdo doesn't support the process for GFDL_CM3 data. - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 2 years ago
The upload looks like HDF5 data, but h5dump cannot read it. It's not netcdf ether.
How do you work with this file? which tools do you use?
RE: cdo doesn't support the process for GFDL_CM3 data. - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 2 years ago
Hi Quan,
I think that file is corrupted. I have downloaded one of the outputs from the CMIP5 website and I can open it without issue. Take a look to the attach file.
RE: cdo doesn't support the process for GFDL_CM3 data. - Added by Quan Liu almost 2 years ago
Dear Estanislao,
Thanks for the reply! I have downloaded the data from here
They are large ensemble simulations. I have try to download the data with the python code. but got same problem.
The data can be processed with array. but not cdo.
RE: cdo doesn't support the process for GFDL_CM3 data. - Added by Estanislao Gavilan almost 2 years ago
Hi Quan,
I have just downloaded the file from I was able to open and operate with cdo without any issue. Said this, I think this file is too big (1.2GB). If you have a poor conexion or you are downloading from china (like me), your file might stop ending with a corrupted file. You need to use vpn to download these type of files. If you cannot use one, you can try to download the file from here You only need to select CMIP5, and you will find the same output with a time span of 5 years (68MB c/u). You can then easily merge them in your computer with cdo.
Kind regards,