


File-format question with outputf to ASCII

Added by S Berendsen over 12 years ago

Hello all,

I've got some data in netCDF-files and need to convert it into a formatted-ASCII-file (isn't a gridbased file format, so can't export to it directly). The data itself in a regular grid with a time series of several decades for each grid point.

"cdo griddes" gave me the location of each grid point and "cdo outputf,%12.4g,42" an ASCII file with all the data.

What is the data order in the ASCII file?

I'm currently assuming:

- the time series for each point occurs consecutively
- allthe points in the xval-column in the "cdo griddes" output is being walked through once for each yval-entry (or given in pseudo-code:

for i in yval
   for j in xval
      for k in timesteps
         read data

Is this assumption correct?

Thank you in advance,

S. Berendsen

Replies (2)

RE: File-format question with outputf to ASCII - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago

Each timestep contains all grid point values of the current timestep. The time loop is outside the ij loop:

for k in timesteps
   for i in yval
      for j in xval
         read data

RE: File-format question with outputf to ASCII - Added by S Berendsen over 12 years ago

Thanks for your help!

Have a good day,

S Berendsen
