


Ask for support of Grib2 data with CDO

Added by Jinghua Chen over 12 years ago

I have successful installed the grib_api library.
but when I work with grib2 data, I got some error:

@:cdo sinfo gfs_4_20120901_0000_000.grb2
Warning (gribapiScanTimestep2) : Param=1.1.0 level=1 not defined at timestep 1!

cdo sinfo: Open failed on >gfs_4_20120901_0000_000.grb2<
Unsupported file structure ####################################################

PS: my grib data is download from the NOAA
it's the NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses data.

Thank you !!!!

Replies (5)

RE: Ask for support of Grib2 data with CDO - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago


I'm using the latest version of CDO, and I do not find any problem with GRIB2 data from the above web-link (attached sample file). So I highly recommend using the latest CDO version (from cdo documentaion: "GRIB2 is only available if CDO was compiled with GRIB_API support ...")

Hope this helps!


RE: Ask for support of Grib2 data with CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago

You have to set the environment variable GRIB_INVENTORY_MODE to time in order to process this data with CDO. Here is an example for the bash:

cdo sinfo gfs_4_20120901_0000_000.grb2
This is because the record structure of your GRIB file is not supported in CDO. Setting this variable will skip all unsupported GRIB records.

RE: Ask for support of Grib2 data with CDO - Added by Jinghua Chen over 12 years ago

thank you for all the answers!!!
i have install the GRIB_API, but i don't know how to set the envionment variables in the bash.
so i think there maybe something wrong in my bash.
can someone kindly enough give a example of the setting for the GRIB_API.
i also want to ask Uwe Schulzweida that export GRIB_INVENTORY_MODE=time is a
envionment variables of GRIB_API or CDO?
thank you !!!!!
best regards!!!!

RE: Ask for support of Grib2 data with CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago

GRIB_INVENTORY_MODE is an environment variable for the I/O part of CDO.

RE: Ask for support of Grib2 data with CDO - Added by Jinghua Chen over 12 years ago

Great appreciation to MR.Uwe Schulzweida and all the REPLY
Following the MR.Uwe Schulzweida, i have got the right answer.
