Projection parameters on IMS Northern Hemisphere
Added by liren wei almost 2 years ago
Hello everyone,
I have to remap a IMS Northern Hemisphere Polar Stereographic 24 km field into latlon grid. The original grid is stored in ASCII txt file and it has been converted to netCDF. When I was trying to assign a projection coordinate system to netCDF file, I met a problem. Due to the early release of data, it is difficult to find the projection information on the IMS 24km dataset. I have to create a grid description file and attach it by "-setgrid". The grid description file (which named as "sgrid.txt"):
gridtype = projection
gridsize = 1048576
xsize = 1024
ysize = 1024
xunits = "meters"
yunits = "meters"
xfirst = -12126597.0
xinc = 23684.997
yfirst = 12126840.0
yinc = 23684.997
grid_mapping = crs
grid_mapping_name = polar_stereographic
earth_radius = 6371200.f
proj_params="+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=60 +lon_0=-80 +R=6371200. +units=m +no_defs"
Using this grid description file, CDO can successfully remap my netcdf file . However there was an obvious error in output field (see the cdo_regrid.png). This means there must be some problem in the setting of projection parameters. Unfortunately, I can't find the errors.
Some information about this set of data is listed below:
1. There is a gpd file (grid description file) attached with the ASCII file:
; IMS Northern Hemisphere
; Polar Stereographic 24 km grid
; apparently 1 "bedient" along true latitude is 381 km.
; For a 1/16th mesh grid, then: 381/16 = 23.8125 km
; However, this scale does not match the values in the NOAA files
; so this scale is slightly smaller.
; The NOAA locations in these files at the lower left corner of each grid cell.
; The Earth radius is assumed to to be 6371.2, based on
Map Projection: Polar Stereographic
Map Reference Latitude: 90.0
Map Reference Longitude: -80.0
Map Second Reference Latitude: 60.0
Map Equatorial Radius: 6371200 ; software w3fb05 documentation
Map Origin Latitude: 89.998344
Map Origin Longitude: 55.000000
Grid Map Origin Column: 511.5
Grid Map Origin Row: 511.5
Grid Map Units per Cell: 23684.997 ; slightly smaller than 1/16 bedient
Grid Width: 1024
Grid Height: 1024
2. There is a data description pdf file: [[]].
The "proj4" projection parameters are indicated on page 24 (same as the "sgrid.txt"). Also, some parameters are listed in the table on Page 10. I set the file according to these parameters, but the results are wrong with these params.
Thanks in advance to the people that will answer me.
cdo_regrid.png (94.4 KB) cdo_regrid.png | Spatial distribution of data |
Replies (2)
RE: Projection parameters on IMS Northern Hemisphere - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 2 years ago
Hi Liren,
without your files it is not really possible to help. I can only say, when working with IMS data using Python that I had to use a different proj4 setting than described in the IMS User Guide.
Your setting:
proj_params="+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=60 +lon_0=-80 +R=6371200. +units=m +no_defs"
Setting using Python:
proj_params="+proj=stere +lat_0=90.0 +lon_0=90.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +no_defs"
But as already said we need the IMS netCDF file you have generated from the original IMS ASCII data.
RE: Projection parameters on IMS Northern Hemisphere - Added by liren wei almost 2 years ago
Thanks for your reply! Fortunately I have solved this question. This error may raise from the incorrect "xfirst, yfirst, xinc, yinc" settings. I found a set of parameters that looked right by guess. I kept my "proj_params" and the result seems right. Anyway, thanks for your kindly help!