


calculate value of variable at 2m and 10m heights

Added by cynthia hays over 12 years ago


I'm trying to calculate temperature and u-v winds at 2m and 10m heights. I thought I could use mh2pl except this seems to give heights referenced from sea level (lots of missing values). Is there a way to get values at a certain height above the surface? I'm working with the "ECHAM6_RCM_forcing" data and I have the surface geopotential, but I can't figure out a way to do this with cdo.



Replies (2)

RE: calculate value of variable at 2m and 10m heights - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago


try ml2plx instead of ml2pl

From the CDO documentation: "Use the alias ml2plx/ml2hlx or the environment variable EXTRAPOLATE to extrapolate missing values. All input fields have to be on the same horizontal grid."

For the complete description of the operator(s), have look at the CDO documentation "Section 2.12.5 INTVERT - Vertical interpolation" here,


RE: calculate value of variable at 2m and 10m heights - Added by cynthia hays over 12 years ago

Thanks - that would get rid of the missing values but wouldn't the extrapolated values still be at 2m from sea level and not from the surface? or am I still missing something.
