Monthly climatologies
Added by Mark Payne over 12 years ago
I have 12 individual files that represent monthly climatologies that I would like to merge into a single file with:
cdo mergetime
How should the time dimension in these files be setup so that everything works properly?
Replies (1)
RE: Monthly climatologies - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
How should the time dimension in these files be setup so that everything works properly?
Can you be more specific? The mergetime operator just merge (or one could also say concatenate although they are not the same in all cases) all the input files data including associated time-steps/time-stamps; ie if you merge 12 individual files, then the output file will have 12 time steps where each consecutive time-step corresponds to your individual input files.
From an earlier post by Uwe Schulzweida : "it is a good praxis to name/rename your files in a way that there are alphanumerically sorted. it is very important for the CDO operators copy, cat and mergetime."
Hope this helps!