Added by e ddc over 12 years ago
It seems that fldmax does not reports correctly the right location of the max.
cdo fldmax wap_Amon_MIROC4h_decadal2000_r1i1p1_200101-200512.nc_MIROC_atmos_maxmin_level1_field.nc reports lat=lon=0 max = 2.091307.
Interaction with wap:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ?
Could you please anonymize these emails ? You have already my identity because I need to register to post a message. You do not need to make my identity publicly available in your site.
This is refraining me to report errors.
If this policy is not changed I am considering seriously not to use your forums.
Replies (5)
RE: fldmax - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
For the time being the following workaround will do the job:
cdo -outputcenter wap_Amon_MIROC4h_decadal2000_r1i1p1_200101-200512.nc_MIROC_atmos_maxmin_level1_field.nc | grep "$(cdo -outputf,%6.4f,1 -fldmax wap_Amon_MIROC4h_decadal2000_r1i1p1_200101-200512.nc_MIROC_atmos_maxmin_level1_field.nc)"
this will give the "lon lat value"
RE: fldmax - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago
Use the CDO option -v to get the right location of the min/max value:
cdo -v fldmax ifile ofile
RE: fldmax - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
Hi Uwe,
It seems the ofile doesn't store the lon-lat info; for example if you have a time series, and want to find the location of the fldmax at every time step
cdo -v fldmax ifile ofile cdo outputtab,lon,lat,value ofile OR cdo outputcenter iflie > fldmax.dat
still gives 0 0 as lon/lat
It might be good idea if there is a way to store the lon/lat info with in the ofile
RE: fldmax - Added by Ralf Mueller over 12 years ago
Eduardo Damasio da Costa wrote:
Could you please anonymize these emails ? You have already my identity because I need to register to post a message. You do not need to make my identity publicly available in your site.
This is refraining me to report errors.
If this policy is not changed I am considering seriously not to use your forums.
Hi Eduardo!
This forum is part the redmine project management software. There might be plugin for anonymizing mail addresses. I will check this.
BTW you do not have to use you real name nor your working email address.
RE: fldmax - Added by Ralf Mueller over 12 years ago
Some info about handling of mail addresses:
- The mail addresses are encoded in the page source and decodes with javascript to make them readable for users only and to prevent spam-bots from reading it
- you can hide your mail address in your account settings by activating a checkbox