


DVD grib files and cdo

Added by Alexander Kaiser over 12 years ago


I have found a strange thing using the newest version of cdo ( and grib files from the DWD (Cosmo-EU archive):

cdo seltimestep,1 200502_lev37_var33.grb step12005_u1.grib

cgribexGetTsteptype : GRIB time range 13 unsupported!
Warning (cgribexScanTimestep2) : Allocation of 0 bytes! [ line 832 file stream_cgribex.c ]
Warning (cgribexScanTimestep2) : Param=33.2 level=37 not defined at timestep 1!

cdo seltimestep: Open failed on >200502_lev37_var33.grb<
Unsupported file structure

with the version 1.5.5 of cdo and the same grib file it is working fine. Has there been a change in the supported grib files?

Ciao Alex

Replies (1)

RE: DVD grib files and cdo - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago

Could you please upload an example file or send us a link to the Cosmo-EU archive?

Cheers, Uwe
