Different result with Python bindings and ensemble data
Added by Guido Cioni over 2 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to use the CDO Python bindings to do select a grid point from a large dataset and re-use directly the result in xarray.
I have a dataset with 50 ensemble members and (time, latitude, longitude) dimensions.
When using cdo
directly into the shell I get the right result
cdo -P 16 remapnn,lon=10/lat=53.55 t_850.grib2 test.grib2
which is a new dataset with the dimensions of 50 ensemble members and time.
However, if I try to do the same in the python bindings
cdo.remapnn('lon=10/lat=53.55', input='/home/ekman/ssd/guido/ecmwf-ens/t_850.grib2', options = '-P 16', returnXDataset=True)
I get a dataset where the ensemble member dimension has disappear (see the screenshot). I believe the problem is coming from the fact that in all ensemble members the name of the variable is the same...maybe?
Replies (3)
RE: Different result with Python bindings and ensemble data - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 2 years ago
Hi Guido,
I guess that xarray causes the problem but you can try the following (I used a small file containing 5 ensemble members from ECMWF):
tmpfile = cdo.remapnn('lon=10/lat=53.55', input=infile) ds = xr.open_dataset(tmpfile, engine='cfgrib')
The result dataset ds will be something like:
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (number: 5, step: 5, latitude: 1, longitude: 1) Coordinates: * number (number) int64 1 2 3 4 5 time datetime64[ns] ... * step (step) timedelta64[ns] 0 days 00:00:00 ... 2 days 00:0... meanSea float64 ... * latitude (latitude) float64 51.0 * longitude (longitude) float64 90.0 valid_time (step) datetime64[ns] ... heightAboveGround float64 ... Data variables: msl (number, step, latitude, longitude) float32 ... u10 (number, step, latitude, longitude) float32 ... v10 (number, step, latitude, longitude) float32 ... Attributes: GRIB_edition: 2 GRIB_centre: ecmf GRIB_centreDescription: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts GRIB_subCentre: 0 Conventions: CF-1.7 institution: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts history: 2022-09-01T15:32 GRIB to CDM+CF via cfgrib-0.9.1...
RE: Different result with Python bindings and ensemble data - Added by Guido Cioni over 2 years ago
yeah, that's the workaround that I'm using right now...
It would be cleaner to avoid the second step anyway
RE: Different result with Python bindings and ensemble data - Added by Ralf Mueller over 2 years ago
hi Guido!
You also might check what the python bindings to under the hood with setting
cdo.debug = Trueand rerunning the call. It will show the CDO calls executed internally so that you can compare it with the one your do manually on the command line.