Use CDO remapping weights in Python
Added by Nikolai Stulov almost 3 years ago
Hi all,
I would like to remap (128 x 128) regular grid in Lambert projection to a regular grid in latlon projection. I am perfectly able to do it using `cdo remapbil`.
However, I would like to incorporate it into my Python pipeline, so I would like to use `cdo genbil` and then work with the weights in Python like:
dst_add = weights["dst_address"].to_numpy()
src_add = weights["src_address"].to_numpy()
map_wts = weights["remap_matrix"].to_numpy().squeeze()
for n in range(int(num_links / 4)):
noff = n * 4
dst_array[dst_add[noff]] = (
src_array[src_add[noff]] * map_wts[1 * noff] +
src_array[src_add[noff + 1]] * map_wts[1 * (noff + 1)] +
src_array[src_add[noff + 2]] * map_wts[1 * (noff + 2)] +
src_array[src_add[noff + 3]] * map_wts[1 * (noff + 3)]
This seems quite straightforward, but for some reason I am getting a substantially different result (see attached file).
I suspect that I am missing some operation performed on the input grid, but I could not find it in the CDO code myself.
Please advise.
remapping_results.png (16.5 KB) remapping_results.png |
Replies (4)
RE: Use CDO remapping weights in Python - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 3 years ago
Hi Nikolai,
can you provide your script and data?
RE: Use CDO remapping weights in Python - Added by Nikolai Stulov almost 3 years ago
Hi, thank you for reaching out. Input data, target grid, python script and cdo-generated outputs are attached.
era_grid (313 Bytes) era_grid | target grid | || (4.73 MB) | input data | || (1.58 KB) | python script | || (505 KB) | weights | || (226 KB) | cdo result |
RE: Use CDO remapping weights in Python - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 3 years ago
The indices in dst_address and src_address have the range 1 to N. So they are "fortran" indices as used in the original SCRIP package. I don't know how it is in python but in C all indices must be reduced by one.
RE: Use CDO remapping weights in Python - Added by Nikolai Stulov almost 3 years ago
Many thanks, it did the job!