import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
# load data
wrf = xr.load_dataset("wrf_t2.nc")
weights = xr.load_dataset("wrf_to_era_weights.nc")
t2 = wrf["T2"].to_numpy()
new_t2 = np.zeros((19, 34), dtype=np.float32)
dst_add = weights["dst_address"].to_numpy()
src_add = weights["src_address"].to_numpy()
map_wts = weights["remap_matrix"].to_numpy().squeeze()
dst_mask = weights["dst_grid_imask"].to_numpy()
src_mask = weights["src_grid_imask"].to_numpy()
dst_frac = weights["dst_grid_frac"].to_numpy()
# bilinear interpolation
for n in range(int(weights.dims["num_links"] / 4)):
noff = n * 4
if (
dst_mask[dst_add[noff]] and
src_mask[src_add[noff]] and
src_mask[src_add[noff + 1]] and
src_mask[src_add[noff + 2]] and
src_mask[src_add[noff + 3]] and
dst_frac[dst_add[noff]] > 0
new_t2[np.unravel_index(dst_add[noff], new_t2.shape)] = (
t2[0][np.unravel_index(src_add[noff], t2[0].shape)] * map_wts[1 * noff] +
t2[0][np.unravel_index(src_add[noff + 1], t2[0].shape)] * map_wts[1 * (noff + 1)] +
t2[0][np.unravel_index(src_add[noff + 2], t2[0].shape)] * map_wts[1 * (noff + 2)] +
t2[0][np.unravel_index(src_add[noff + 3], t2[0].shape)] * map_wts[1 * (noff + 3)]
# change zeros to missin values
new_t2[new_t2 == 0] = np.nan
# create dataset
ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars={
"T2": (
('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'),
}, coords={
"latitude": np.arange(57.75, 53, -0.25),
"longitude": np.arange(33.5, 42, 0.25),
# save netCDF