Changing level units and values from cm to m
Added by Seth Bushinsky almost 3 years ago
I am processing CMIP6 files and interpolating ocean variables to 10m depth. One of my files has centimeters as the z unit, all others have meters. Is there a way to convert from cm to m? I can use chlevel to adjust the level values, for instance changine 500 cm to 5 m:
cdo chlevel,500,5
However, I need to know the original depth values to do this. I'm guessing I'm missing something but I haven't been able to find any examples in my searches. Thanks for any help.
Replies (8)
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 3 years ago
the setpartab
operator ( support automatic unit conversion if you build CDO with udunits2 support.
you can check you CDO with cdo -V
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Seth Bushinsky almost 3 years ago
Thanks - I was able to update CDO and run setpartab. I wasn't clear in that the main variable for my file (dissic) has coordinates of (time, lev, nlat, nlon). The "lev" vertical coordinate is currently in units of centimeters and I would like to change it to meters so that my later interpolation commands work. setpartab seems to want to change the main parameter, not a coordinate parameter. That said, there may be a different problem because I am getting the warning "Warning (cdfInqContents): Coordinates variable lev can't be assigned!". I'll keep trying to figure out what is going on.
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 3 years ago
can you upload the file maybe? or at least a single timestep of it?
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Seth Bushinsky almost 3 years ago
Here is one time step (201501) of the file. Some of the problematic file construction may have been lost, as the first selyear command generated a warning that the next selmonth command did not:
smb-uh@smb-uh ssp585_download % cdo selyear,2015
Warning (cdfInqContents): Coordinates variable lev can't be assigned!
cdo selyear: Processed 88473600 values from 1 variable over 600 timesteps [1.91s 76MB].
smb-uh@smb-uh ssp585_download % cdo selmonth,1
cdo selmonth: Processed 7372800 values from 1 variable over 12 timesteps [0.49s 60MB].
Thanks for any help. I might be able to find ways around this by doing more of my processing in cdo and manually ingesting this single file, but so far have been having trouble creating a good workaround. (39.1 MB) | partial dataset w/ the vertical coordinates in units of "centimeters" |
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 3 years ago
yes, you are right: setpartab
only works on the data variables not the coordinates. Unfortunately CDO does not have an operators to set a complete list of new levels. There is only the chlevel
operators, which replaces old with new values, but that won't work for you.
you can set the attribute with
cdo -setattribute,lev@units=mbut for the values you need to work with another tool I think
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 3 years ago
if I'm not completely barking up the wrong tree, the following should be what you're looking for.
You can use the setzaxis operator to reset the z-axis by a descriptor file. If you do not know the levels you can write a shell script which retrieves the levels from the input file, creates the z-axis descriptor file and generates the new file with z-axis units 'm' and correct values.
#!/usr/bin/env bash infile="" levels=$(cdo -s showlevel $infile) echo "levels = $levels" i=0 for value in $levels; do v=$(echo "scale=6; $value/100" | bc -l) echo "$value cm = $v m " if [[ $i -gt 0 ]]; then levelsm=$(echo "$levelsm, $v") else levelsm=$v fi i=`expr $i + 1` done cat > zaxis_meter.txt << EOF zaxistype = depth_below_land size = $i name = olevel units = "m" levels = $levelsm EOF cdo -f nc setzaxis,zaxis_meter.txt $infile
cdo showlevel 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165.098398 175.479043 186.29127 197.660273 209.711387 222.578281 236.408828 251.370156 267.654199 285.483652 305.119219 326.867988 351.093477 378.227617 408.784648 443.377695 482.736719 527.728008 579.372891 638.862617 707.563281 787.0025 878.825234 984.705859 1106.20422 1244.56688 1400.49719 1573.94641 1764.00328 1968.94422 2186.45656 2413.97156 2649.00125 2889.38469 3133.40469 3379.79344 3627.67031 3876.45188 4125.76812 4375.3925 4625.19031 4875.08344 5125.02812 5375
cdo sinfon File format : NetCDF2 -1 : Institut Source T Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter name 1 : NCAR CESM2 v instant 60 1 122880 1 F32 : dissic Grid coordinates : 1 : curvilinear : points=122880 (320x384) lon : 0.0147311 to 359.996 degrees_east circular lat : -79.22052 to 89.70641 degrees_north available : cellbounds mapping : Projection nlon : 1 to 320 by 1 1 nlat : 1 to 384 by 1 1 Vertical coordinates : 1 : depth_below_land : levels=60 olevel : 5 to 5375 m Time coordinate : 1 step RefTime = 0001-01-01 00:00:00 Units = days Calendar = 365_day Bounds = true YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 2015-01-15 13:00:00
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Seth Bushinsky almost 3 years ago
Thank you Ralf for your continued help and Karin for your detailed reply and solution.
Karin, your solution does seem like it will work and I really appreciate you writing out the example as my shell scripting is slow and heavily reliant on google. I'll work on implementing it and report back.
RE: Changing level units and values from cm to m - Added by Seth Bushinsky almost 3 years ago
Hi Karin,
I adapted your solution to my processing code and all seems to be working great. Thanks a lot for the help.