Calculating volume of gridcell
Added by Anne Moree about 3 years ago
Hello CDO,
CDO offers a neat operator gridarea which helps to calculate the area of each gridcell useful for e.g. weighted means.
Now I need to do this in 3D and hence need a volume of each gridcell. Is there a direct (maybe undocumented?) way to do this in CDO?
I have depth bounds, depth levels and was also already able to calculate gridarea with the file in question.
The file is too large to share here, although I could prepare a small sample if needed.
Thank you in advance,
Replies (4)
RE: Calculating volume of gridcell - Added by Anne Moree about 3 years ago
Hello again,
I have by now made a file manually using the depth bounds and gridarea. I would still be interested to hear though whether CDO offers a direct operator to calculate the volume of each gridcell.
RE: Calculating volume of gridcell - Added by Ralf Mueller about 3 years ago
hi Anne!
you can use the 'expr' operator like this .
cdo -h exprwill show you the complete list of options/methods to use (maybe
RE: Calculating volume of gridcell - Added by Anne Moree about 3 years ago
Hi Ralf!
Thank you - I did not see cdeltaz in the documentation or on the page you refer to, but it sounds like it could be used for this purpose. I see in the 'news' section that it is a really recent addition (
RE: Calculating volume of gridcell - Added by Ralf Mueller about 3 years ago
In case you have your vertical coordinate in a separate file or data variable, you can use normal arithmetic of data variables, too