conversion from netcdf to grib format
Added by Basit Khan over 12 years ago
Hi there,
I am new to cdo and trying to convert a wrf generated netcdf output to grib format. However, i getting error saying "open failed on abc.grib" The cdo command and the resulting error are copied below.
basitali@cn76:/gpfs/project/k14/opt$ cdo -f grb copy ../basit/ abc.grb
Warning (define_all_grids) : Time varying grids unsupported, using grid at time step 1!
cdo copy: Open failed on abc.grb
Unkown Error
I would greatly appreciate if you could advise what is going wrong and how could I fix it.
Thanks and best regards,
Replies (3)
RE: conversion from netcdf to grib format - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
Please post the output of "cdo -V". Also, if you could upload a sample of your original data (must be <50MB) that would be helpful...
RE: conversion from netcdf to grib format - Added by Basit Khan over 12 years ago
Hi J.
Here is the output from cdo -V
basitali@cn26:/project/k14/opt$ cdo -V
Climate Data Operators version 1.5.4 (
Compiler: /usr/lib64/compat-openmpi/bin/mpicc -std=gnu99 -g -O2
version: gcc: '-V' must come at the start of the command line
Compiled: by samara on fen3 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Apr 22 2012 10:47:19
CDI library version : 1.5.4 of Apr 22 2012 10:47:09
CGRIBEX library version : 1.5.1 of Aug 29 2011 20:30:27
netCDF library version : 4.1.1 of Dec 27 2010 21:12:42 $
SERVICE library version : 1.3.0 of Apr 22 2012 10:46:54
EXTRA library version : 1.3.0 of Apr 22 2012 10:46:50
IEG library version : 1.3.0 of Apr 22 2012 10:46:53
FILE library version : 1.7.1 of Apr 22 2012 10:46:50
RE: conversion from netcdf to grib format - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago
The error message normally means that you are not allowed to create the output file abc.grb in the current directory. Reasons could be: no permission, quota exceeded, disk full, aso.