


Rotate the x and y axis

Added by Alka Tiwari over 3 years ago


I have attache da daily precipitation data (variable name - precipitationCal) and when I check the plot for "precipitationCal" "ncview 3B....nc4", I find x axis has latitude values and y axis has longitude values. But I want to rotate it i.e., I want x axis to show longitude and y to latitude values.

I tried using cdo transxy, but this does not provide me the values of lat and lon.
Can anyone please anyone help with this?

Thank you

Replies (2)

RE: Rotate the x and y axis - Added by Kyle Lesinger over 3 years ago

You will likely need to use an nco operator for that. Check out ncpdq (it's simple to use and it should tell you pretty quickly if you can't do it.

RE: Rotate the x and y axis - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago

the transxy should to the right thing - I could successfully test is with the uploaded file. It is not meant to provide anything to your despite the transposed data. CDO renames the dimenstions to x and y instead of lat/lon.

Or maybe I misunderstood your request - you want transposed data, right?
