


reversed precipitation projection

Added by Mara Antonella over 3 years ago

Hi everyone,
I have downloaded a dataset of historical precipitation for South America. I used the following CDO code to process the data:

export path_merged=/mnt/data/historical_colombia/prec/merged

export path_prec1=/mnt/data/historical_colombia/prec/ccc-inpe

cdo mergetime ${path_prec1}/ ${path_prec1}/ ${path_prec1}/ ${path_prec1}/  ${path_merged}/

export path_prec2=/mnt/data/historical_colombia/prec/mohc-inpe

cdo mergetime ${path_prec2}/ ${path_prec2}/ ${path_prec2}/ ${path_prec2}/ ${path_merged}/

#------------ensemble mean

cdo ensmean ${path_merged}/ ${path_merged}/ ${path_merged}/

#-------------------cut files

cdo sellonlatbox,-77,-75.5,3.3,3.8 ${path_merged}/ ${path_merged}/

#---------------from flux to mm

cdo mulc,86400 ${path_merged}/ ${path_merged}/


cdo yearsum ${path_merged}/ ${path_merged}/

#----------------mean 1986-2005
cdo timmean ${path_merged}/  ${path_merged}/*

Then when I plot the 'ens_mean_final' file (last one of the code), the precipitation is reversed, in high picks I have minimum precipitation and at the sea-level areas I have the maximum and that's not valid for the areas' climate.
I noticed that variables.keys of the file includes : dict_keys(['time', 'time_bnds', 'lon', 'lat', 'pr']), but there isn't something like rotated_pole, r_lon or r_lat as usual. I think here is the "error". Do you have any recommendations to solve this issue? I hope I was clear... I attached the file too.

Thank you!

P.s I noticed something perhaps relevant in the CDO User Guide, on pages 17-18. (30.2 KB) file

Replies (1)

RE: reversed precipitation projection - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 3 years ago

Hi Mara,

I can't see any failure in your script, but without the input data it is difficult to give further help.
Make some test with some of the ensemble members to see if the data value range meets your expectation.

