Question in merge nc files
Added by Peng Xu over 12 years ago
I have many nc file, such like, and I want to merge them into one file.However, I failed when I use the "cdo mergetime ifile1 ifile2 ofile", that because they have different time information.(Well,I think so...)
I wonder if anyone can help me to merge them. Thanks a lot!
Here are the infomation of two of the files:
NbLatitudes = 915 ;
NbLongitudes = 1080 ;
GridDepth = 1 ;
LatLon = 2 ;
int LatLon(LatLon) ;
LatLon:_FillValue = 2147483647 ;
LatLon:long_name = "No sense but necessary for some automatic tools" ;
LatLon:units = "count" ;
double NbLatitudes(NbLatitudes) ;
NbLatitudes:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
NbLatitudes:long_name = "Latitudes" ;
NbLatitudes:units = "degrees_north" ;
double NbLongitudes(NbLongitudes) ;
NbLongitudes:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
NbLongitudes:long_name = "Longitudes" ;
NbLongitudes:units = "degrees_east" ;
double LatLonMin(LatLon) ;
LatLonMin:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
LatLonMin:long_name = "Latitude/Longitude of south/ouest corner" ;
LatLonMin:units = "degree" ;
double LatLonStep(LatLon) ;
LatLonStep:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
LatLonStep:long_name = "latitude/longitude steps" ;
LatLonStep:units = "degree" ;
float Grid_0001(NbLongitudes, NbLatitudes) ;
Grid_0001:_FillValue = 1.844674e+19f ;
Grid_0001:long_name = "Averaged Sea Level Anomaly 2001/01" ;
Grid_0001:units = "cm" ;
// global attributes:
:OriginalName = "" ;
:title = "SSALTO/DUACS - DT MSLA - Merged Product - Homogeneous Global Processing" ;
:years = 2001s ;
:*+months = 1s ;+*
:origin = "created from daily Sea Level Anomaly maps" ;
:institution = "CLS" ;
:CreatedBy = "SSALTO/DUACS" ;
NbLatitudes = 915 ;
NbLongitudes = 1080 ;
GridDepth = 1 ;
LatLon = 2 ;
int LatLon(LatLon) ;
LatLon:_FillValue = 2147483647 ;
LatLon:long_name = "No sense but necessary for some automatic tools" ;
LatLon:units = "count" ;
double NbLatitudes(NbLatitudes) ;
NbLatitudes:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
NbLatitudes:long_name = "Latitudes" ;
NbLatitudes:units = "degrees_north" ;
double NbLongitudes(NbLongitudes) ;
NbLongitudes:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
NbLongitudes:long_name = "Longitudes" ;
NbLongitudes:units = "degrees_east" ;
double LatLonMin(LatLon) ;
LatLonMin:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
LatLonMin:long_name = "Latitude/Longitude of south/ouest corner" ;
LatLonMin:units = "degree" ;
double LatLonStep(LatLon) ;
LatLonStep:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096e+19 ;
LatLonStep:long_name = "latitude/longitude steps" ;
LatLonStep:units = "degree" ;
float Grid_0001(NbLongitudes, NbLatitudes) ;
Grid_0001:_FillValue = 1.844674e+19f ;
Grid_0001:long_name = "Averaged Sea Level Anomaly 2001/02" ;
Grid_0001:units = "cm" ;
// global attributes:
:OriginalName = "" ;
:title = "SSALTO/DUACS - DT MSLA - Merged Product - Homogeneous Global Processing" ;
:years = 2001s ;
:+*months = 2s ;*+
:origin = "created from daily Sea Level Anomaly maps" ;
:institution = "CLS" ;
:CreatedBy = "SSALTO/DUACS" ;
Replies (1)
RE: Question in merge nc files - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
I don't see any time axis info/co-ordinate variable in the above header info - (Am I missing something? did you try simple "merge/cat" instead of "mergetime"?). Anyway, it would be better if you could:
1) post the exact error message (from cdo)
2) the output of "cdo -V"
3) upload a couple your input files (must be < 50MB)