CDO help for convertin North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) grib to netcdf
Added by Bereket Habtezion over 12 years ago
I am learing CDO to convert data between grib and netcdf. I have a NARR data with is in Lambert Conformal Conic (lcc) and I want to convert it to netcdf. I am getting the following error when I use the following command line.
cdo -f nc copy merged_AWIP32.2004080915.3D
Error (cdfDefGrid) : Unsupported grid type: lcc
The grid description of the file is the following and any help is appreciated!
# gridID 0
gridtype = lcc
gridsize = 96673
xsize = 349
ysize = 277
originLon = -145.5
originLat = 1
lonParY = -107
lat1 = 50
lat2 = 50
xinc = 32463
yinc = 32463
projection = northpole
Replies (1)
RE: CDO help for convertin North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) grib to netcdf - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
I think CDO cannot generate NetCDF files which use Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) as native grid; the reason (as far as I understand) is that storing native LCC grid info in NetCDF files requires additional co-ordinate variables (compared to classic NetCDF), and CDO doesn't support that. If you use the grid type as "curvilinear", it is possible to convert your GRIB to NetCDF; for example:
cdo -f nc -setgridtype,curvilinear narr_data.grb
Attached is my test data (narr_data.grb); my quick ncview shows the "" data is okay[?] - may be Uwe/Ralf can help you with additional info (or if I'm wrong)
PS: If the above procedure is wrong then you may have to use other tools such as "ncl_convert2nc" for the conversion
narr_data.grb (198 KB) narr_data.grb |