Preprocessing of CryoTEMPO-EOLIS netcdf for ingestion in rasdaman
Added by Otoniel José Campos Escobar over 3 years ago
Hello everyone,
I'm new to using cdo and netcdf files in general, currently I want to ingest a CryoTEMPO-EOLIS netcdf file of Greenland (attached for your reference) into rasdaman.
To do so I need to preprocess the file and move the time, X, and Y variables to the dimensions section, currently it is like this:
ncdump -h
netcdf CS_OFFL_THEM_POINT_GREENLAND_2021_01_-600000___-1500000__V002 {
row = UNLIMITED ; // (2532 currently)
int time(row) ;
time:long_name = "Measurement of time" ;
time:units = "Seconds from 1970 in the UTC timezone." ;
time:short_name = "time" ;
float x(row) ;
x:long_name = "x: spatial position on the x axis using the projection defined for the region." ;
x:units = "metres" ;
x:standard_name = "x" ;
float y(row) ;
y:long_name = "y: spatial position on the y axis using the projection defined for the region" ;
y:units = "metres" ;
y:standard_name = "y" ;
float elevation(row) ;
elevation:units = "metres" ;
elevation:long_name = "Elevation estimate for a point in space and time" ;
elevation:coordinates = "x y" ;
float uncertainty(row) ;
uncertainty:units = "metres" ;
uncertainty:long_name = "Uncertainty estimate for a point in space and time" ;
uncertainty:coordinates = "x y" ;
int isSwath(row) ;
isSwath:units = "swath=1 poca=0" ;
isSwath:long_name = "Indicates whether the point is from the Swath=[1] processing or is a POCA=[0] input" ;
isSwath:coordinates = "x y" ;
int inputfileid(row) ;
inputfileid:units = "Numeric Id" ;
inputfileid:long_name = "Numeric id that uses the Variable Attribute as a String Lookup" ;
inputfileid:coordinates = "x y" ;
I would like to have something like this:
time = UNLIMITED ; // (25 currently)
X = some_number;
Y = some_number;
float elevation(row) ;
elevation:units = "metres" ;
elevation:long_name = "Elevation estimate for a point in space and time" ;
elevation:coordinates = "x y" ;
Data Description: page 20.
Any insight would be most appreciated!