Selecting certain layers dependant on the value with them
Added by Lewis Dorling over 3 years ago
I have a netcdf file which is on an hourly time step and encompasses 41 years of data.
What I would like to do is use CDO to look through the data and delete any time steps where none of the datapoints exceed a certain value.
i.e say I was only interested in time steps where there was at least 1 value above say 10, is there a way of using CDO to create a new file which only contains the time steps which have at least one datapoint with a value in excess of ten.
Thanks for the help
Replies (3)
RE: Selecting certain layers dependant on the value with them - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 3 years ago
Hi Lewis,
I think it works in CDO only with the select operator and the parameter timestepmask. timestepmask is a normal data file with one field and one value per time step. The value is zero or missing for timesteps that should be removed. Here is a possibility to create such a file, if the data also have only one field per time step:
cdo gtc,-1 -fldrange datafile maskfile cdo select,timestepmask=maskfile datafile resultCheers,
RE: Selecting certain layers dependant on the value with them - Added by Lewis Dorling over 3 years ago
Hi Uwe,
thanks for the help. could you explain to me the significance of the fldrange command in the first line.
Would I not be able to achieve the same thing with just
cdo gtc,-1 inputfile outputmask
cdo select,timestepmask=maskfilee inputfile outputfile,
because as far as I understand the first line is creating a mask and replacing every data point with either a 1 or a 0 depending on my criteria
and then the second line is comparing the mask to the datafile and removing any data points that are 0.
But as I say I dont understand what the fldrange command is doing
RE: Selecting certain layers dependant on the value with them - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 3 years ago
The mask file may contain only one value per time step. fldrange reduces a field to one value, in this case the range of the field. The value is then greater than or equal to zero.