enscrps: output not averaged over horizontal fields?
Added by Juanma Sancho over 12 years ago
The enscrps output is averaged over horizontal fields for each level and timestep in rfile (one value for each field averaging every grid point value), but I am interested (as many users I guess) in CRPS fields with the original grid size of the input and reference files (rfiles and ifiles). Is there any way to get these CRPS fields as output?
Replies (2)
RE: enscrps: output not averaged over horizontal fields? - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago
From "cdo -h enscrps":
The implementation of the decomposition of the CRPS and Brier Score follows
Hans Hersbach (2000): Decomposition of the Continuous Ranked Probability
Score for Ensemble Prediction Systems, in: Weather and Forecasting (15)
pp. 559-570.
It is NOT simple averaging over grids. See section 2 (equation 5), and Section 4.c of the above paper. At the end you will get one score/value for a particular region (e.g northern extra-tropics) at a particular time.
Is there any way to get these CRPS fields as output?
In the current implementation, the answer is NO
RE: enscrps: output not averaged over horizontal fields? - Added by Juanma Sancho over 12 years ago
Yes, it seems that CPRS output are area weighted means (like fldmean output??).
It would be very interesting and useful to have the option to output CRPS for every grid point (the previous field before the spacial average calculation).
Please, consider this possibility in future releases!
Thank you,