Spliting and averaging large muliple files
Added by Carlos Teixeira almost 4 years ago
Hello; I have large (~100GB) 30 days outputs and I would like to split that in monthly output and do monthly averages.
I did that in the past for much smaller files merging it first in one file than splitting it (maybe that was dumb but worked).
Now I am trying to do:
cdo -monmean file1.nc file2.nc file3.nc out.nc
cdo -splitmon file1.nc file2.nc file3.nc out.nc
And got the following error:
cdo (Abort): Unprocessed Input, could not process all Operators/Files
also tried cdo -splitmon file[1-3].nc out.nc with the same errors.
And cdo mergetime -apply,splitmon file[1-3].nc out.nc with wrong results..
Any help and smarter way to do it?
Many thanks
Replies (1)
RE: Spliting and averaging large muliple files - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 4 years ago
Please, don't do cross-postings! See https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/boards/2/topics/11331