


fldmean area weighted

Added by Juanma Sancho over 12 years ago

I need to make sure that CDO is computing area weighted means when using fldmean operator over the attached file. I don't get any warning message so I assume an area weighted mean is computed. The cell-measures attribute is not defined in the nc file so CDO should get the cell area from the geographical coordinates otherwise it would warn about the use of a constant area weights for all grid cells. Am I correct?
Thanks for your help

Replies (1)

RE: fldmean area weighted - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan over 12 years ago


I need to make sure that CDO is computing area weighted means when using fldmean operator
I don't get any warning message so I assume an area weighted mean is computed.

If you are NOT getting any warning message(s), then it means CDO computes the area weighted mean from the grid info. Please have a look at

In your file, the GRIB code defines the grid type. I guess it is Cylindrical Equidistant Projection Grid. Anyway, CDO then calculate the cell/grid area using the given grid info.

