"Unsupported file structure" for GRIB file
Added by Michael Biggs almost 13 years ago
I have a GRIB file produced by the WRF climate model followed by its post-processor Unipost (http://www.dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/overview/upp_overview.php). I have always been able to use cdo successfully to examine these files (showlevel, showtimestamp, sellevel, etc.) But now I am getting this error:
cdo showlevel wrfprs_d01_2002-01-24_06
Warning (varDefZaxis) : VCT missing
Warning (varDefZaxis) : VCT missing
Warning (cgribexScanTimestep2) : Param=179.2 level=200 not defined at timestep 1!
cdo showlevel: Open failed on >wrfprs_d01_2002-01-24_06<
Unsupported file structure
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my files that cdo cannot process them? As far as I know there were only very modest changes between the version of WRF that produced the ones that fail vs. ones that worked. I have attached the failing GRIB file.
Replies (3)
RE: "Unsupported file structure" for GRIB file - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago
Hi Michael,
As far as I understand, the warning says: the Vertical Co-ordinate Table (VCT) in section 2, Grid Description Section (GDS) of GRIB, which defines the A & B Coefficients for the calculation of pressure at the layer interface or simply the Z-axis, is missing! Your file contains both hybrid-level variables as well as pressure-level variables, which shouldn't be a problem BUT the VCT for the hybrid-level variables are missing. I'm not an expert on the subject, may be Uwe/Ralf can help you with this.
RE: "Unsupported file structure" for GRIB file - Added by Mauricio Zapata almost 11 years ago
Jaison-Thomas Ambadan wrote:
Hi Michael,
As far as I understand, the warning says: the Vertical Co-ordinate Table (VCT) in section 2, Grid Description Section (GDS) of GRIB, which defines the A & B Coefficients for the calculation of pressure at the layer interface or simply the Z-axis, is missing! Your file contains both hybrid-level variables as well as pressure-level variables, which shouldn't be a problem BUT the VCT for the hybrid-level variables are missing. I'm not an expert on the subject, may be Uwe/Ralf can help you with this.
RE: "Unsupported file structure" for GRIB file - Added by Mauricio Zapata almost 11 years ago
i have the same problem with results of WRF
Warning (varDefZaxis) : VCT missing
Warning (varDefZaxis) : VCT missing
Warning (cgribexScanTimestep2) : Record 18 (id=180.2 lev1=0 lev2=0) timestep 2: Parameter not defined at timestep 1!
cdo map: Open failed on >wrfprs_d01_2010-10-01_00<
Unsupported file structure