


Split by initial time

Added by Sam Hawkins almost 13 years ago

I have some grib files which contain many 72-hour forecasts from different initial times. I would like to split them into one time per file, named according to the initial time and the forecast hour e.g



However, the cdo split tools seem to combine the intial time and forecast time into a single (ambiguous) time stamp. Is there a way to split based on the initial time?

Replies (4)

RE: Split by initial time - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago

Hi Sam,

Can you please upload a sample of your data? If the file size is > 50MB, you may select a very small geographical region using "cdo -sellonlatbox".


RE: Split by initial time - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago

Hi Sam,

The following command sequence may work for you-

cdo -splitsel,1 sample_out.grb oufile

will split into 400 files (total time-step is 400); so the first file "oufile000000.grb" (you can rename it later with linux commands) corresponds to "2006-01-01_00_fhr00.grb" and "oufile000002.grb" -> "2006-01-01_00_fhr03.grb" etc

I'm not sure if this is what you want. Also there are other options in "splitsel" operator
if you want to split your input file according to initlal time:

cdo -splitsel,25 sample_out.grb oufile

You will get 16 files (you can rename it afterwards using linux commands), each with 25 time-steps (which is 1 initial time + 24 *3hour forecast). Your input file contains 400 time-step -> 16 files of 25 timestep

Please let us know if this works for you,


RE: Split by initial time - Added by Sam Hawkins almost 13 years ago


Yes this works. I used cdo -splitsel,1 to split each file into the individual timesteps, then a rather ugly combination of cdo sinfo, grep and python to rename them all according to initial time.

Thanks for the help.
