Ymonsub not working with model output
Added by Jacob Gunnarson over 4 years ago
I am having a problem calculating the SST anomaly from output from the CESM2 model (see attached). This is the syntax I am using to calculate the anomaly:
cdo ymonmean SST_test_data.nc climatology.SST_test.data.nc
cdo ymonsub SST_test_data.nc climatology.SST_test_data.nc anomaly.SST_test_data.nc
ymonmean works fine, but I encounter this error when I try to use ymonsub:
cdo ymonsub (Abort): Fields have different size (vfarsub)
I have tried this same operation on other netcdf files, and it works just fine with them. That leads me to conclude that CDO does not like some aspect of the CESM2 output, but I can't figure out why that would be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
SST_test_data.nc (10 MB) SST_test_data.nc |
Replies (2)
RE: Ymonsub not working with model output - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 4 years ago
Your NetCDF file contains variables on different gridsizes. This can't be processed correctly in CDO release 1.9.7 - 1.9.9. We will fix this bug in the next CDO release.
A workaround is to select only the variable SST:
cdo ymonmean -selname,SST SST_test_data.nc climatology.SST_test.data.nc cdo ymonsub -selname,SST SST_test_data.nc climatology.SST_test.data.nc anomaly.SST_test_data.ncCheers,
RE: Ymonsub not working with model output - Added by Jacob Gunnarson over 4 years ago
Great, thank you Uwe!