


grads template to netcdf

Added by Abdoulaye SARR almost 13 years ago

I have grads binary files (365 files for one year) I read with a ctl files using template option .
When I use cdo -f import_binary newrf.ctl
It looks like a one timestep file is created, but even I can't open it.
Is it the template option or?
any hint to solve this appreciated.


Replies (4)

RE: grads template to netcdf - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago

It might be a good idea to "cat" all the binary and change your time profile in the ctl file before using cdo to import. In linux/unit cat *.grd > output.grd should to the cat job then modify the ctl time axis manually.


RE: grads template to netcdf - Added by Abdoulaye SARR almost 13 years ago

Thank you, the procedure created an netcdf file of the same size that the concatenated binary but the time axis is one
rather than 365.

RE: grads template to netcdf - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago

Unfortunately I can't say anything more without looking into your data/ctl? Would you mind uploading your filea (may be 2/3 binary + ctl template) here (must be < 50MB)?


RE: grads template to netcdf - Added by Abdoulaye SARR almost 13 years ago

I solved the problem using sdfwrite.

Thanks for your help

