


Local minima of subdomains

Added by Alejandro Uribe over 4 years ago

Hi all,

Currently, I have a lat lon file with a spatial resolution of 0.07 deg containing Brightness Temperature (GridSat B1). I am trying to find the minimum value of spatial subdomains of 3X3 pixels so that I keep those minimums and mask the rest.

I am wondering if this is something I can do with CDO.

cdo -V: Climate Data Operators version 1.9.3

Replies (1)

RE: Local minima of subdomains - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago

hi Alejandro!

I don't think such an interpolation is available in CDO, sorry.

But for a lon-lat input there must be something easy to use in the python world (xarray or numpy).

