


Perform all average rainfall data over a bound using CDO

Added by Puri Am over 4 years ago

1. I need to perform all average value of precipitation over 10 mm/day (for e.g) using CDO. How could i solve it?
I have tried with "if then" but it does not work

2. Also, with the value over 30 and smaller than 10 (mm/day)

Thanks much in advances!!

Replies (5)

RE: Perform all average rainfall data over a bound using CDO - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago

average over space or time? What exactly do u want to do?


RE: Perform all average rainfall data over a bound using CDO - Added by Puri Am over 4 years ago

Thanks a lots for replying!
I want after processing i can plot maps of them.
Or if you can, please performing both of space and time.

RE: Perform all average rainfall data over a bound using CDO - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago

the statistics module as all kinds of methods for this:

horizontal mean values for all gridpoints of a certain level and timestep can be with fldmean. Time-average values can be done with timmean,monmean,daymean and so on


RE: Perform all average rainfall data over a bound using CDO - Added by Puri Am almost 4 years ago

with the same topic, I have a dataset that is in daily, then how I calculate its mean value of the whole period (the result is supposed in 1 value) in cdo?
