


RE: convert netcdf file from polar stereographic to lat/lon »

Micheal Simpson, 2022-11-25 16:35


import os
import sys
import pathlib
import numpy as np
from pyproj import Proj
from netCDF4 import Dataset

# Where will the output path be?
radarfile = 'test.netcdf'
data = netCDF4.Dataset(radarfile)

def extract_single_variable(data,variable_name):
var = data[variable_name][:].data
return var

# Extract the metadata from the radar
zh = extract_single_variable(data,'DBZH'); zh_dict = {};
rangee = extract_single_variable(data,'range')
az_all = extract_single_variable(data,'azimuth'); az_dict = {};
sweep_start = extract_single_variable(data,'sweep_start_ray_index')
sweep_end = extract_single_variable(data,'sweep_end_ray_index')
sweep_num = extract_single_variable(data,'sweep_number')

# Loop through the number of sweeps
for i in sweep_num:
zh_dict[i] = zh[sweep_start[i]:sweep_end[i]+1];
az_dict[i] = az_all[sweep_start[i]:sweep_end[i]+1]

# Now loop through each of the tilts to qc everything
for tiltnum in range(0,len(az_dict)):
az = az_dict[tiltnum]
zh_tilt = zh_dict[tiltnum]

# Now we will try to convert from polar to cartesian so we can plot easily
x = rangee * np.sin(np.deg2rad(az_dict[0]))[:,None]
y = rangee * np.cos(np.deg2rad(az_dict[0]))[:,None]

# Setup a projection
dataproj = Proj(f"+proj=eqc +lat_0={latitude} +lat_ts={latitude} +lon_0={longitude} +ellps=WGS84 +units=m")
lons,lats = dataproj(x,y,inverse=True)

# Output a netcdf file
full_outfile = ''

# Start with the netcdf filename and all the good stuff
ncfile = Dataset(full_outfile,mode='w',format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')

z = zh_dict[0]
# Add the dimensions of our data, lat, and lons.

# Now we want to add the data
datavar = ncfile.createVariable('Reflectivity',np.float64,(('y','x')))
datavar[:,:] = z
datavar.coordinates = "longitude latitude"

# And then add the latitude
datalat = ncfile.createVariable('latitude',np.float64,(('y','x')))
datalat[:,:] = lats
datalat.standard_name = 'latitude'
datalat.units = 'degrees_east'

# And then add the longitude
datalon = ncfile.createVariable('longitude',np.float64,(('y','x')))
datalon[:,:] = lons
datalon.standard_name = 'longitude'
datalon.units = 'degrees_north'

# Close the netcdf file