#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import pyart
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
# Read the radar data from the given file.
infile = 'test.netcdf'
ds = xr.open_dataset(infile)
# Copy the input data and add _FillValue/missing_value attributes.
data = ds.DBZH.copy()
data.attrs = {'_FillValue':-999.,
# Define the x,y dimension arrays for the curvilinear grid (longitude(y,x), latitude(y,x)).
y = np.arange(0, ds.azimuth.shape[0])
x = np.arange(0, ds.range.shape[0])
# Create the radar ppi object from the input data. Compute the longitude and latitude values with the Py-Art functions init_gate_altitude() and init_gate_longitude_latitude().
radar = pyart.testing.make_empty_ppi_radar(ds.range.shape[0], ds.azimuth.shape[0],1)
radar.latitude['data'] = np.array([float(ds.latitude.values)])
radar.longitude['data'] = np.array([float(ds.longitude.values)])
radar.range['range'] = np.array(ds.range)
radar.azimuth['data'] = np.array(ds.azimuth.values)
radar.sweep_number['data'] = np.array([float(ds.sweep_number.values)])
radar.sweep_start_ray_index['data'] = np.array([float(ds.sweep_start_ray_index)])
radar.sweep_end_ray_index['data'] = np.array([float(ds.sweep_end_ray_index)])
radar.fixed_angle['data'] = np.array(ds.fixed_angle)
radar.altitude['data'] = np.array([float(ds.altitude)])
radar.elevation['data'] = np.array(ds.fixed_angle) * len(ds.azimuth)
# Assign the coordinate data arrays.
lat = xr.DataArray(radar.gate_latitude['data'].copy(), coords=[y,x], dims=['y', 'x'])
lat.attrs = {'units': radar.gate_latitude['units'],
'standard_name': 'latitude'}
lon = xr.DataArray(radar.gate_longitude['data'].copy(), coords=[y,x], dims=['y', 'x'])
lon.attrs = {'units': radar.gate_longitude['units'],
'standard_name': 'longitude'}
# Create new dataset for the radar data and its curvilinear coordinates.
ds_new = xr.Dataset()
ds_new['ReflectivityQC'] = (('y','x'), data.data, data.attrs)
ds_new.coords['latitude'] = (('y','x'), lat.data, lat.attrs)
ds_new.coords['longitude'] = (('y','x'), lon.data, lon.attrs)
ds_new.attrs['history'] = 'DKRZ Tutorial example: radar data conversion'
# Write the new dataset to a netCDF output file.
outfile = 'radar_data_lonlat.nc'