Version 2.3.0 released
New features:
- Add option --shuffle: Specify shuffling of variable data bytes before compression (NetCDF)
- packed NetCDF arrays are stored unpacked for all operators which modify the data
- DCW regions: add support for states (e.g. dcw:USAK for Alaska)
- expr: added function gridindex() (grid cell indices)
- expr: add function cdoy() (day of year) and cdpy() (days per year)
New operators:
- gridcellindex: Get grid cell index from lon/lat point
- timfillmiss: Temporal filling of missing values
- vertfillmiss: Vertical filling of missing values
- Add module Ymoncomp - Multi-year monthly comparison (operators: ymoneq ymonne ymonle ymonlt ymonge ymongt)
Changed operators:
- remapscon: obsolete operator, use remapcon instead
- remapcon2: rename to remapscon2
- gencon2: rename to genscon2
Fixed bugs:
- expr: internal functions with two constant arguments failed in release 2.2.1