


Version 1.9.6 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 5 years ago

New features:
  • Added support for polar stereographic projection
  • Download ICON grids if necessary (
  • Added global option --eccodes: Use ecCodes to decode/encode GRIB1 messages
  • Operator chname: Added support to change coordinate names [Feature #8746]
  • Operator diff: set exit status to 1 if inputs differ
  • Renamed remapcon/gencon to remapscon/genscon
  • Replaced remapcon/gencon by remapycon/genycon
New operators:
  • vars<stat> - Statistical values over all variables
  • minc - Minimum of a field and a constant
  • maxc - Maximum of a field and a constant
Fixed bugs:
  • Gradsdes.test fails [Bug #8614]
  • Option --reduce_dim gives wrong result on time dimension [Bug #8615]
  • Module Selbox: added support for grid cell area
  • Operator setgridtype,regular: set nx=4*N+16 for octahedral reduced Gaussian grids
  • Operator distgrid: seg. fault if last segment is larger than first segment
  • Operator sellonlatbox: abort if grid coordinates missing
  • Operator masklonlatbox: wrong result if lon1 > first lon || lon2 < last lon (bug introduce in 1.9.4) [Bug #8695]
  • Operator maskindexbox: wrong result if idx1 > 1 || idx2 < nlon (bug introduce in 1.9.4) [Bug #8695]
  • Absolute time axis (-a) returns wrong units in operator chain for NetCDF [Bug #8777]
  • Relative time axis (-r) returns wrong first timestep in operator chain for NetCDF
  • Wrong result with fldmean on zonal mean data (bug introduce in 1.9.5) [Bug #8834]
  • OPeNDAP support was broken in 1.9.5 [Bug #9761]
