


Version 1.6.1 released

Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 11 years ago

New features:
  • support of blanks in filenames and parameter
Changed operators:
  • gradsdes: added support for netCDF files
  • Info: add chunking information of netcdf files (only with verbose output) [Feature #3489]
  • select: added support for key >hour<
Fixed bugs:
  • fldcor: check missing value of 2. input file
  • enscrps: wrong result since CDO version 1.5.6 [Bug #3403]
  • selmon: month not found for negative years [Bug #3439]
  • shifttime: wrong result for negative hours and days [Bug #3440]
  • inttime: removes last time step [Bug #3611]
