


setpartabn - apply a parameter table to transform data and metadata

Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 12 years ago

Since CDO version 1.5.9 the operator setpartabn can be used to transform data and metadata via a parameter table.
The syntax is:

cdo setpartabn,mypartab ifile ofile
mypartab is an ASCII formatted file with a namelist for each to be changed parameter.

The current implemented namelist entries are:

Entry Type Description
name word original name of the variable
out_name word new name of the variable
type word data type (real or double)
standard_name word as defined in the CF standard name table
long_name string describing the variable
units string specifying the units for the variable
comment string providing clarifying information concerning the variable
cell_methods string typically providing information concerning calculation of means or climatologies
cell_measures string indicates the names of the variables containing cell areas and volumes.
missing_value float specifying how missing data will be identified
valid_min float
valid_max float
ok_min_mean_abs float
ok_max_mean_abs float

Here is an example of a parameter table for one variable:

  name            = t
  out_name        = ta
  standard_name   = air_temperature
  units           = "K" 
  missing_value   = 1e+20
  valid_min       = 160
  valid_max       = 340
The name of the variable is t, it will be renamed to ta. The standard name will be set to air_temperature and the units will be set to "K" (converts the units if necessary). The missing value will be set to 1e+20. In addition it will be checked whether the values of the variable are in the range of 160 to 340.

The original CMOR parameter tables can be converted to the CDO parameter table format with the undocumented CDO operator conv_cmor_table. Here is an example to convert the CMOR CMIP5 table CMIP5_day to a CDO parameter table:

cdo conv_cmor_table,CMIP5_day > CMIP5_day.partab
To apply this table to a dataset use:
cdo setpartabn,CMIP5_day.partab  ifile  ofile