


topo - the built-in topography on a regular half degree grid

Added by Ralf Mueller about 12 years ago

The operator topo creates a half degree regular grid with the heights and depths taken from the ETOPO project:

This can be very usefull for generating masks to a certain height/depth with the Comparions operators. The data for the above plot was created by

cdo -f nc topo

Replies (2)

RE: topo - the built-in topography on a regular half degree grid - Added by Antonio Serrano over 5 years ago

I can see in the documentation that I can give a grid description in order to get a topography interpolated to that grid. But, what kind of interpolation is used?.
Thanks in advance.

RE: topo - the built-in topography on a regular half degree grid - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago

Hi Antonio!

the internal representation is a 0.5 degree regular grid, interpolation is a nearest-neighbor interpolation.

