


Creating a full pressure level variable with CDO?

Added by Marston Ward about 12 years ago


I was wondering if it is possible to use CDO to create the full pressure variable?
Given that the A and B coefficients exist in the file, as well as the surface pressure, can CDO do this?


Replies (4)

RE: Creating a full pressure level variable with CDO? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 12 years ago

Hi Marston,

CDO has an undocumented module to create 3D pressure parameter from the A and B coefficients and the surface pressure. Here is a list of the available CDO operators in this module:

pressure_fl Pressure on full hybrid levels
pressure_hl Pressure on half hybrid levels
deltap Difference of two half hybrid levels

One problem with netCDF files is that the description of the Vertical Coordinate Table (A+B) have to follow the ECHAM convention. And these operators support only the name or GRIB parameter ID of the surface pressure from ECHAM/ECMWF/WMO tables.
Please note, that all these operators have the status experimental and the name of the operators can be change in future releases.

Best regards,

RE: Creating a full pressure level variable with CDO? - Added by Marston Ward about 12 years ago

HI Uwe,

As I'm working with ECMWF type files, I should be ok. Thanks for the info.


RE: Creating a full pressure level variable with CDO? - Added by Marston Ward about 12 years ago

God Lord! COD is the greatest thing since slice bread! I kid you not!
This thing works like a charm. Thanks a lot!


RE: Creating a full pressure level variable with CDO? - Added by Marston Ward about 12 years ago

Scratch that last reply and its horrible typos! Loose nut at the keyboard. It should read: "Good Lord! CDO is the greatest thing since slice bread! I kid you not!
This thing works like a charm. Thanks a lot!"
