


Ignoring time in ensmean

Added by Robert Wilson over 4 years ago

Is it possible to ignore time in ensmean, and just calculate a straight mean across all data?

I have daily temperature data for 1 year, split over 12 monthly files, with each monthly file containing the temperatures for each day. I want to calculate the yearly mean temperature from the data.

This is an options in NCO, using ncra. But I am wondering if there is a way to adjust the ensmean call in CDO so that it ignores the time dimension when calculating the ensemble mean.



Replies (2)

RE: Ignoring time in ensmean - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 4 years ago

Thats not possible.
Use timmean or yearmean in combination with cat or mergetime:

cdo timmean -cat <mon_files> result

RE: Ignoring time in ensmean - Added by Robert Wilson over 4 years ago

Thanks Uwe

That works well enough for my purposes.


