Error using CDO with GFS grib2 files...
Added by Alessandro Ceppi over 5 years ago
I have this problem with the new version of GFS grib2 files...
If I type: cdo showvar GFS_grib2_2019090300_003.grib2
I get this error:
Warning (gribapiScanTimestep2) : Record 8 (name=r id=1.1.0 lev1=0 lev2=0) timestep 2: Parameter not defined at timestep 1!
And I cannot do any operation with CDO with this kind of files which I attach.
Does anyone have a solution?
Thank you
Replies (3)
RE: Error using CDO with GFS grib2 files... - Added by Alessandro Ceppi over 5 years ago
The same problem with these GFS files:
Any function of CDO does not work!
RE: Error using CDO with GFS grib2 files... - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 5 years ago
Here is the output of grib_ls:
GFS_grib2_2019090300_003.grib2 edition centre date dataType gridType stepRange typeOfLevel level shortName packingType 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 3 surface 0 t grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 3 heightAboveGround 2 2t grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 3 heightAboveGround 2 2r grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 3 heightAboveGround 10 10u grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 3 heightAboveGround 10 10v grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 0-3 surface 0 tp grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 0-3 surface 0 tp grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 3 unknown 0 r grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 0-3 surface 0 dswrf grid_simple 2 kwbc 20190903 fc regular_ll 3 meanSea 0 prmsl grid_simple 10 of 10 messages in GFS_grib2_2019090300_003.grib2Records 6 and 7 are identical. This is not supported in CDO. Each time step must contain different variables. You must remove one of the double variables so that CDO can process the file.
A workaround for this problem is to set the environment variable CDI_INVENTORY_MODE=time.
This will ignore double parameter entries on the same time step.
Here is an example for the shell sh/bash:
export CDI_INVENTORY_MODE=time cdo ...
RE: Error using CDO with GFS grib2 files... - Added by Alessandro Ceppi over 5 years ago
Dear Uwe,
thank you very much! Problem solved, it works fine!
I did not notice the double parameters using Panoply, but you can see them with grib_ls.