Is there is any operator for calculating onset and retreat(starting and ending day ) of rainfall and no of days with the date specfying rain is above 1mm in cdo?
Added by jyoti lodha over 6 years ago
As I want to see the starting date of rainfall in 30 years of rainfall data. I used eca_pd,1 input and output. But I am getting a single file of each month for a year.
times=$(cdo -s showmon $infile)
for mon in ${times}
cdo eca_pd -selmon,$mon $infile fd_${mon}.nc
cdo mergetime fd_*.nc
So, How can I get the selected dates, of rainfall above 1mm and staring of rain and ending of rain. Is there is any operator or we have to write a ksh code for it, Give some hint so that we can calculate it? Thanks.
Replies (3)
RE: Is there is any operator for calculating onset and retreat(starting and ending day ) of rainfall and no of days with the date specfying rain is above 1mm in cdo? - Added by Solomon Hailu about 5 years ago
Dear juoti,
did manage to develope a code in cdo to calculte rainfall onset and etreat(starting and ending day) and no of days?
Best regards,
RE: Is there is any operator for calculating onset and retreat(starting and ending day ) of rainfall and no of days with the date specfying rain is above 1mm in cdo? - Added by jyoti lodha about 5 years ago
Yes, I have written it in R language. As there is no operator in cdo for onset and retreat days.
RE: Is there is any operator for calculating onset and retreat(starting and ending day ) of rainfall and no of days with the date specfying rain is above 1mm in cdo? - Added by Solomon Hailu about 5 years ago
that's great! can you share the code or the link to your github?