Added by kunal bali over 6 years ago
Dear CDO users,
The attached file is hourly data of one month.
The hours are given as 00:30, 1:30, 2:30 .... to..23:30 (24 hours). So I need to calculate the hourmean of each day. The final output would be of 24 time steps of hours. The attached file is of one month. But the actual file is of 15 years with hourly data.
I tried yhourmean function but its not working in this case. If I apply daymean then it provides daily mean which I don't want. So I need to get hourmean.
please provide some information.
Thank You
hmean01.nc (9.69 MB) hmean01.nc |
Replies (1)
RE: hourly_mean - Added by kunal bali over 6 years ago
Dear CDO users,
please ignore this mail. I have sorted out this issue. I upgraded cdo version from 1.9.0 to 1.9.5, I can now use the dhourmean function (which I was missing in 1.9.0 version) to get the hour-mean or hour-climatology.
if you feel I did wrong then please correct me.
Thank You